Women of the OSS and SOE
A digital humanities project

Home page:
Top Image: National Archives, Identifier 542171
Bottom image: National Archives, Identifier 176250644
Top image: National Archives, Identifier 6851006
Middle image: National Archives, Identifier 6850964
Bottom image: National WWII Museum
Top Image: Imperial War Museums, Catalog HU 115531
Middle image: National Archives, Identifier 540066
Bottom image: Imperial War Museum, Catalog EPH 4299
Women in War:
Top image: Imperial War Museums, Catalog HU 67317
Virginia Hall:
Top image: CIA
Bottom image: National Archives, Identifier 595150
Vera Atkins:
Top image: International Bomber Command Centre
Atkins, Vera. Interview by Conrad Wood. January 6, 1987. Catalog number 9551, Imperial War Museums Collection, digital.
Central Intelligence Agency. "Transfer of Declassified OSS Records to the National Archives." J. Kenneth McDonald. Declassified CIA records. Approved for release August 22, 2008. Web.
Foot, M.R.D. SOE in France. Frank Cass Publishers, 2004.
Helm, Sarah. A Life in Secrets: Vera Atkins and the Missing Agents of WWII. Anchor Books, 2005.
McIntosh, Elizabeth P. Sisterhood of Spies: The Women of the OSS. Naval Institute Press, 2009.
Pattinson, Juliette. "'Passing unnoticed in a French crowd’: The passing performances of British SOE agents in Occupied France," National Identities 12:3 (2010): 291-308, DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2010.500469
Pruitt, Sarah. "OSS: The Predecessor of the CIA." History. Last modified August 31, 2018. https://www.history.com/news/oss-the-predecessor-of-the-cia.
Purnell, Sonia. A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II. Viking, 2019.
"Special Operations Executive." National Army Museum. Accessed March 20, 2020. https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/SOE
Stevenson, William. Spymistress: The True Story of the Greatest Female Secret Agent of World War II. Arcade, 2011.
Thomas, Gordon, and Greg Lewis. Shadow Warriors of World War II: The Daring Women of the OSS and SOE. Chicago Review Press Incorporated, 2016.
Virginia Hall Activity Report. National Archives, Identifier 595661.
Warner, Michael. "The Office of Strategic Services: America's First Intelligence Agency." Central Intelligence Agency. May 2000. https://www.cia.gov/static/7851e16f9e100b6f9cc4ef002028ce2f/Office-of-Strategic-Services.pdf
Wedemeyer, Albert. Wedemeyer Reports!. Henry Holt & Company, 1958.
Wolf III, Walter. "Secret Agents, Secret Armies: The Short Happy Life of the OSS." The National World War II Museum. May 14, 2020. https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/wwii-secret-agents-the-oss